Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Gay yellow pages
I just put a half page add in the Vegas gay yellow pages so keep a look out. I think the new issue comes out in Feb or something like that. Its hot!
Wear Recycle in the news, Toni Thorburn, and what Wear Recycle is developing into.
I was interviewed from a reporter: Becky Bosshart with the Home News of Henderson. It was a riot. I want to thank Toni Thorburn who really put her neck out on the line to help me. There was a videographer named Evelio Contreras from the newspaper and a photographer whose card I happen to either loose or not get.....coincidence....jk. I don't think I got it and she was very nice.
Toni is the owner of Aspen Communications: IT work. It was a riot to see her engulfed in messy art materials, surprised by the process, and completely confused on why she agreed to do it in the first place other than just to help me. It was a riot.
Looking back it also allowed me to understand the project and why it is moving into a totally different direction than I originally thought with the fashion idea. Toni identified it perfectly when she told Evelio that she wasn't attached to the cast. That she was only doing it to help me.
Wear Recycle is about the relationship and curiosity that brings people together. While the actual casting process is taking place, a spark, closeness and connection happens. Its not about fashion, its about art, but more in the end. Its really about community and risk. About connection and collaboration. Its about what all the contributors/models/artists bring to it. This is an art project, but its as much of an outreach to people as it is about art. The process is art, the drive is art, but the experience is human. That's why the name will be changing. Wear Recycle doesn't define its purpose, it only defines its beginning. Toni was what developed this understanding; this idea that the people who I'm casting don't necessarily know what the point is, but something told them to become involved.....often me....but really I only ask and the model chooses to be intrigued or not. Toni's sarcasm and wonderful bluntness allowed for me to thoroughly know where to go and what she means in the project.
The model doesn't understand the relationship between the paper and these relationships that are made. They're not suppose to because they are not working with it. The models are left out of the fragility and development of the sculpture. In both processes I'm building something that starts, continues, and ends fragile and in the end I will have to communicate this to the models, and the viewers.
Toni's company deals with business technology solutions. Just like Toni didn't hide her lack of connection and understanding in art, I will be honest, I really have no idea what IT people do other than its a complicate job.
I know some of her services are:
protective back ups
wireless networking
Web hosting
really you should give her a call to find out more information about how to utilize her services. Then you get to experience her very wonderful personality...always a plus when hiring someone for a service or product. The company is local too!
Aspen Communications
Toni Thorburn
Lets show Toni some support....I know that most of us businesses can utilize her services. I just remembered that she had mentioned something about a new law that fines businesses if they send any credit card info over the web without correct encoding. She can prevent this fine from happening!
To get on with the newspaper. It will be published in the Home News newspaper the first week of Jan...that's the hope, and they will try to plan it so that the video interview will also be online at the same time.
Becky found me through the Henderson Art Association blog
This is a new thing that HAA is doing to help promote artistic community here in the Las Vegas area. Go check it out, if you have anything to share speak up.
Did I forget to mention that Becky, the reporter is going to let me cast her. The list of people who want to do it has grown a lot. There are now 23 people who still need to get casted, 10 sculptures that need to be built or finished, and 5 people who have been photographed. YEAH.
Some bad news is that the 8x10 darkroom I was using closed down so I'm having problems developing the film now. I am two shoots backed up. It will all come together, but if anyone knows any Vegas darkroom available, please let me know.
Thanks for reading :) I'll publish the newspaper article when its available. Hopefully the video too.
Toni is the owner of Aspen Communications: IT work. It was a riot to see her engulfed in messy art materials, surprised by the process, and completely confused on why she agreed to do it in the first place other than just to help me. It was a riot.
Looking back it also allowed me to understand the project and why it is moving into a totally different direction than I originally thought with the fashion idea. Toni identified it perfectly when she told Evelio that she wasn't attached to the cast. That she was only doing it to help me.
Wear Recycle is about the relationship and curiosity that brings people together. While the actual casting process is taking place, a spark, closeness and connection happens. Its not about fashion, its about art, but more in the end. Its really about community and risk. About connection and collaboration. Its about what all the contributors/models/artists bring to it. This is an art project, but its as much of an outreach to people as it is about art. The process is art, the drive is art, but the experience is human. That's why the name will be changing. Wear Recycle doesn't define its purpose, it only defines its beginning. Toni was what developed this understanding; this idea that the people who I'm casting don't necessarily know what the point is, but something told them to become involved.....often me....but really I only ask and the model chooses to be intrigued or not. Toni's sarcasm and wonderful bluntness allowed for me to thoroughly know where to go and what she means in the project.
The model doesn't understand the relationship between the paper and these relationships that are made. They're not suppose to because they are not working with it. The models are left out of the fragility and development of the sculpture. In both processes I'm building something that starts, continues, and ends fragile and in the end I will have to communicate this to the models, and the viewers.
Toni's company deals with business technology solutions. Just like Toni didn't hide her lack of connection and understanding in art, I will be honest, I really have no idea what IT people do other than its a complicate job.
I know some of her services are:
protective back ups
wireless networking
Web hosting
really you should give her a call to find out more information about how to utilize her services. Then you get to experience her very wonderful personality...always a plus when hiring someone for a service or product. The company is local too!
Aspen Communications
Toni Thorburn
Lets show Toni some support....I know that most of us businesses can utilize her services. I just remembered that she had mentioned something about a new law that fines businesses if they send any credit card info over the web without correct encoding. She can prevent this fine from happening!
To get on with the newspaper. It will be published in the Home News newspaper the first week of Jan...that's the hope, and they will try to plan it so that the video interview will also be online at the same time.
Becky found me through the Henderson Art Association blog
This is a new thing that HAA is doing to help promote artistic community here in the Las Vegas area. Go check it out, if you have anything to share speak up.
Did I forget to mention that Becky, the reporter is going to let me cast her. The list of people who want to do it has grown a lot. There are now 23 people who still need to get casted, 10 sculptures that need to be built or finished, and 5 people who have been photographed. YEAH.
Some bad news is that the 8x10 darkroom I was using closed down so I'm having problems developing the film now. I am two shoots backed up. It will all come together, but if anyone knows any Vegas darkroom available, please let me know.
Thanks for reading :) I'll publish the newspaper article when its available. Hopefully the video too.
Casting Malbec
To move on.
Last weekend Rich, our old roommate Tim from Chicago, and I drove to LA where we attended a Christmas party with a band named Malbec. Malbec is great. They have wicked hip music and are so creative when it comes to their videos and photos. I photographed them before when I went to LA with Rich. You might have seen it, the photo where the 5 people are wrapped with netting.
This time the whole Malbec crew, excluding their manager let me cast them. It is huge because they are the first people that did not have their heads casted.
Nick's upper back/shoulders
Mark's whole back while he was bending down touching his toes
Sam's shoulder to her elbow but she had it extended back and inverting and flexing
Sid's shoulders but more in the front and separate
Pablos two forearm tops held in fists.
They came out great and I'm really excited both to have alternative body parts other than heads, and 5 people. That's the most so far in one shoot. Exciting!
I just want to mention that I wore a crazy hootchie tight bright red jump suit with a candy cane print belt to their Christmas party. It was treacherous. Certainly a good laugh. I never meant to really wear that thing...Rich wore a bright red button up shirt and and crayon green suit type jacket that was huge. It was so funny. We looked like awkward elves.
Check them out. They are really good and fun. Refreshing.
Last weekend Rich, our old roommate Tim from Chicago, and I drove to LA where we attended a Christmas party with a band named Malbec. Malbec is great. They have wicked hip music and are so creative when it comes to their videos and photos. I photographed them before when I went to LA with Rich. You might have seen it, the photo where the 5 people are wrapped with netting.
This time the whole Malbec crew, excluding their manager let me cast them. It is huge because they are the first people that did not have their heads casted.
Nick's upper back/shoulders
Mark's whole back while he was bending down touching his toes
Sam's shoulder to her elbow but she had it extended back and inverting and flexing
Sid's shoulders but more in the front and separate
Pablos two forearm tops held in fists.
They came out great and I'm really excited both to have alternative body parts other than heads, and 5 people. That's the most so far in one shoot. Exciting!
I just want to mention that I wore a crazy hootchie tight bright red jump suit with a candy cane print belt to their Christmas party. It was treacherous. Certainly a good laugh. I never meant to really wear that thing...Rich wore a bright red button up shirt and and crayon green suit type jacket that was huge. It was so funny. We looked like awkward elves.
Check them out. They are really good and fun. Refreshing.
AIGA card, Ann Petit, and Graphics West
Last time I wrote I talked about an AIGA card. Until today I had not scanned the card, but here it is:

I wanted to scan it instead of put the original file because I'm so excited about it and the paper grain proves to me its existence. So there it is. I know that's funny, but hey I'm kind of a little weird.
Here are people who helped make the AIGA card successful.
Ann Petit from Suede Studios designed the card.
I met Ann soon after moving to Vegas at a Henderson Chamber of Commerce event. She has become a great friend... but most importantly for the purposes here, she is an excellent graphic designer, creative director, and visual consultant with over 25 years experience.
She is incredible. Her and I sat for hours making this card. This is how our night went:
Nicky: lets do this and that
Ann: "ah how about this?"
Nicky: "WOW that's amazing, I would never had thought of that."
Over and over again for hours.
Then I went home to do some work and she spent more hours on it.
Ann came to my rescue to assist when last minute I didn't have an assistant. She's going to help make giant recycled paper (a pain in the butt process that makes this project go around). I want to send her a large big cuddly thanks, she def doesn't have the time to help with this project, but has squished me in when she can, and when she shouldn't have but I was desperate. Its all well appreciated.
Here might be a good place to add that she also let me experiment on her with the cast. She was the first person to let me do it to them, not even my boyfriend would let me! For good reason, I hadn't perfected my skill yet and ripped out quite a bit of her hair. She was a trooper though. I have planned for her to be the next model photographed, 1st business owner to be photographed...exciting! So if I ever get to the editing for the last shoot, soon after Ann's photos will be up. They're going to be awesome. Even her hair in intertwined in the project! That's dedication and great friendship ;)
I am hiring Ann to reconstruct everything visual for Nicky Watts Studios, including a new website, logo, business cards, a secret marketing idea that we developed, and more. I am so excited because she is in tuned with all that stuff that I could care less to think about. So far we have had a consultation. She's absolutely organized and really sat there with me until both of us understood what was getting done. This service is priceless when you are hiring someone for this sort of thing. I recommend you have her redo your business's public image and advertising. Its worth it.
Suede Studios
Ann Petit
Thanks to Sam, Val, Morgan, Jenn, and Marcelo for attending the reception. It was a great time.
After the event:
The company that sponsored the AIGA fundraiser: What's your Cause, was kind enough to print us 100 cards and 25 posters of our cards for free. This greatly helped the Wear Recycle crew to get out the word, and to start feeling like all this hard work is worth something, recognition I guess you could say. I want to formally thank Graphics West for being the first sponsor of Wear Recycle! Thank you.
Graphics West
3901 Graphic Center Dr
Las Vegas, NV 89118
(702) 798-9444
They did a great job, so lets use them when possible and send them happy and warm thankful energy.

I wanted to scan it instead of put the original file because I'm so excited about it and the paper grain proves to me its existence. So there it is. I know that's funny, but hey I'm kind of a little weird.
Here are people who helped make the AIGA card successful.
Ann Petit from Suede Studios designed the card.
I met Ann soon after moving to Vegas at a Henderson Chamber of Commerce event. She has become a great friend... but most importantly for the purposes here, she is an excellent graphic designer, creative director, and visual consultant with over 25 years experience.
She is incredible. Her and I sat for hours making this card. This is how our night went:
Nicky: lets do this and that
Ann: "ah how about this?"
Nicky: "WOW that's amazing, I would never had thought of that."
Over and over again for hours.
Then I went home to do some work and she spent more hours on it.
Ann came to my rescue to assist when last minute I didn't have an assistant. She's going to help make giant recycled paper (a pain in the butt process that makes this project go around). I want to send her a large big cuddly thanks, she def doesn't have the time to help with this project, but has squished me in when she can, and when she shouldn't have but I was desperate. Its all well appreciated.
Here might be a good place to add that she also let me experiment on her with the cast. She was the first person to let me do it to them, not even my boyfriend would let me! For good reason, I hadn't perfected my skill yet and ripped out quite a bit of her hair. She was a trooper though. I have planned for her to be the next model photographed, 1st business owner to be photographed...exciting! So if I ever get to the editing for the last shoot, soon after Ann's photos will be up. They're going to be awesome. Even her hair in intertwined in the project! That's dedication and great friendship ;)
I am hiring Ann to reconstruct everything visual for Nicky Watts Studios, including a new website, logo, business cards, a secret marketing idea that we developed, and more. I am so excited because she is in tuned with all that stuff that I could care less to think about. So far we have had a consultation. She's absolutely organized and really sat there with me until both of us understood what was getting done. This service is priceless when you are hiring someone for this sort of thing. I recommend you have her redo your business's public image and advertising. Its worth it.
Suede Studios
Ann Petit
Thanks to Sam, Val, Morgan, Jenn, and Marcelo for attending the reception. It was a great time.
After the event:
The company that sponsored the AIGA fundraiser: What's your Cause, was kind enough to print us 100 cards and 25 posters of our cards for free. This greatly helped the Wear Recycle crew to get out the word, and to start feeling like all this hard work is worth something, recognition I guess you could say. I want to formally thank Graphics West for being the first sponsor of Wear Recycle! Thank you.
Graphics West
3901 Graphic Center Dr
Las Vegas, NV 89118
(702) 798-9444
They did a great job, so lets use them when possible and send them happy and warm thankful energy.
Name change...coming again..Wear Recycle
Wow has the month moved fast.
I first want to acknowledge that it is about 40 degree warmer here in Vegas then I am used to from Chicago. Its awesome. I go out with minimal layers, no jacket at night! I love that.
So for those who have been watching my flickr page, I have been doing some commission work that's not to exciting. That's nothing compared to the advances that have been made in the Wear Recycle project.
The name will soon be changed again because I'm finally pinpointing the concept down. I was never really settled with the project being about fashion's relation with material. It was a start in developing the idea for the physical sculptures, but for the process: casting someone, the closeness, the conversation, the relationships that were being built and exploited in the process seemed more important than the fashion aspects. Tricia Blauvelt is helping me develop another name. I will announce it when it is officially changed...again.
I first want to acknowledge that it is about 40 degree warmer here in Vegas then I am used to from Chicago. Its awesome. I go out with minimal layers, no jacket at night! I love that.
So for those who have been watching my flickr page, I have been doing some commission work that's not to exciting. That's nothing compared to the advances that have been made in the Wear Recycle project.
The name will soon be changed again because I'm finally pinpointing the concept down. I was never really settled with the project being about fashion's relation with material. It was a start in developing the idea for the physical sculptures, but for the process: casting someone, the closeness, the conversation, the relationships that were being built and exploited in the process seemed more important than the fashion aspects. Tricia Blauvelt is helping me develop another name. I will announce it when it is officially changed...again.
Wear Recycle updates
Wow has the month moved fast.
I first want to acknowledge that it is about 40 degree warmer here in Vegas then I am used to from Chicago. Its awesome. I go out with minimal layers, no jacket at night! I love that.
So for those who have been watching my flickr page, I have been doing some commission work that's not to exciting. That's nothing compared to the advances that have been made in the Wear Recycle project.
The name will soon be changed again, because I finally pinpointing the concept down. I was never really settled with the project being about fashion's relation with material. It was a start in developing the idea for the physical sculptures, but it the process: casting someone, the closeness, the conversation, the relationships that were being built and exploited in the process seemed more important than the fashion aspects. Tricia Blauvelt is helping me develop another name. I will announce it when it is officially changed...again.
Last time I wrote I talked about an AIGA card. Until today I had not scanned the card, but here it is:

I wanted to scan it instead of put the original file because I'm so excited about them and the paper grain proves to me their existance. So there it is.
Here are people who helped with the success of the AIGA card.
Ann Petit from Suede Studios designed the card.
I met Ann soon after moving here at a Henderson Chamber of Commerce event. She has become a great friend... but most importantly for the purposes here, she is an excellent graphic designer, creative director, and visual consultant with over 25 years experience.
She is incredible. Her and I sat for hours making this card. Mostly I was like lets do this and that, and she was like "ah how about this", and I was like...."WOW that's amazing, I would never had thought of that". Over and over again for hours.
Then I went home to do some work and she spent more hours on it.
Related but unrelated: Not to mention she came to my rescue to assist when last minute I didn't have an assistant, and she's going to help make giant recycled paper (a pain in the butt process that makes this project go around). I want to send her a large big cuddly thanks, she def doesn't have the time to help with this project, but has squished me in when she can, and when she shouldn't have but I was desperate. Its all Well appreciated.
Here might be a good place to add that she also let me experiment on her with the cast. She was the first person to let me do it to them, not even my boyfriend would let me! For good reason, I hadn't perfected my skill yet and ripped out quite a bit of her hair. She was a trooper though. I have planned for her to be the next model photographed, 1st business owner to be photographed...exciting! So if I ever get to the editing for the last shoot then you will soon after see Ann's photos. They're going to be awesome.
I am hiring Ann to reconstruct everything visual for Nicky Watts Studios, including a new website, logo, business cards, a secret marketing idea that we developed, and more. I am so excited because she is so in tuned with all that stuff that I could care less to think about. I recommend you have her redo your business's public image as well. Its worth it.
Suede Studios
Ann Petit
After the event:
The company that sponsored the AIGA fundraiser that put this competition on, was kind enough to print us 100 cards and 25 posters. This greatly helped the Wear Recycle crew to get out the word, and to start feeling like all this hard work is worth something, recognition I guess you could say. I want to formally thank Graphics West for being the first sponsor of Wear Recycle! Thank you.
Graphics West
3901 Graphic Center Dr
Las Vegas, NV 89118
(702) 798-9444
They did a great job, so lets use them when possible and send them happy and warm thankful energy.
To move on.
Last weekend Rich, our old roommate Tim from Chicago, and I drove to LA where we attended a Christmas party with a band named Malbec. Malbec is great. They have wicked hip music and are so creative when it comes to their videos and photos. I photographed them before when I went to LA with Rich.
This time the whole Malbec crew, excluding their manager let me cast them. It is huge because it they are the first people that did not have their heads casted. We casted Nick's upper back/shoulders, Mark's whole back while he was bending down touching his toes, Sam's shoulder to her elbow but she had it extended back and inverting and flexing, I don't know, it was weird, Sid's shoulders but more in the front and separate, and Pablos two forarm tops held in fists. They came out great and I'm really excited both to have alternative body parts other than heads, and 5 people. That's the most so far in one shoot. Exciting!
I just want to mention that I wore a crazy hootchie tight bright red jump suit with a candy cane print belt to their Christmas party. It was treacherous. Certainly a good laugh. I never meant to really wear that thing...
Here's a great video that Malbec just put out.
I first want to acknowledge that it is about 40 degree warmer here in Vegas then I am used to from Chicago. Its awesome. I go out with minimal layers, no jacket at night! I love that.
So for those who have been watching my flickr page, I have been doing some commission work that's not to exciting. That's nothing compared to the advances that have been made in the Wear Recycle project.
The name will soon be changed again, because I finally pinpointing the concept down. I was never really settled with the project being about fashion's relation with material. It was a start in developing the idea for the physical sculptures, but it the process: casting someone, the closeness, the conversation, the relationships that were being built and exploited in the process seemed more important than the fashion aspects. Tricia Blauvelt is helping me develop another name. I will announce it when it is officially changed...again.
Last time I wrote I talked about an AIGA card. Until today I had not scanned the card, but here it is:

I wanted to scan it instead of put the original file because I'm so excited about them and the paper grain proves to me their existance. So there it is.
Here are people who helped with the success of the AIGA card.
Ann Petit from Suede Studios designed the card.
I met Ann soon after moving here at a Henderson Chamber of Commerce event. She has become a great friend... but most importantly for the purposes here, she is an excellent graphic designer, creative director, and visual consultant with over 25 years experience.
She is incredible. Her and I sat for hours making this card. Mostly I was like lets do this and that, and she was like "ah how about this", and I was like...."WOW that's amazing, I would never had thought of that". Over and over again for hours.
Then I went home to do some work and she spent more hours on it.
Related but unrelated: Not to mention she came to my rescue to assist when last minute I didn't have an assistant, and she's going to help make giant recycled paper (a pain in the butt process that makes this project go around). I want to send her a large big cuddly thanks, she def doesn't have the time to help with this project, but has squished me in when she can, and when she shouldn't have but I was desperate. Its all Well appreciated.
Here might be a good place to add that she also let me experiment on her with the cast. She was the first person to let me do it to them, not even my boyfriend would let me! For good reason, I hadn't perfected my skill yet and ripped out quite a bit of her hair. She was a trooper though. I have planned for her to be the next model photographed, 1st business owner to be photographed...exciting! So if I ever get to the editing for the last shoot then you will soon after see Ann's photos. They're going to be awesome.
I am hiring Ann to reconstruct everything visual for Nicky Watts Studios, including a new website, logo, business cards, a secret marketing idea that we developed, and more. I am so excited because she is so in tuned with all that stuff that I could care less to think about. I recommend you have her redo your business's public image as well. Its worth it.
Suede Studios
Ann Petit
After the event:
The company that sponsored the AIGA fundraiser that put this competition on, was kind enough to print us 100 cards and 25 posters. This greatly helped the Wear Recycle crew to get out the word, and to start feeling like all this hard work is worth something, recognition I guess you could say. I want to formally thank Graphics West for being the first sponsor of Wear Recycle! Thank you.
Graphics West
3901 Graphic Center Dr
Las Vegas, NV 89118
(702) 798-9444
They did a great job, so lets use them when possible and send them happy and warm thankful energy.
To move on.
Last weekend Rich, our old roommate Tim from Chicago, and I drove to LA where we attended a Christmas party with a band named Malbec. Malbec is great. They have wicked hip music and are so creative when it comes to their videos and photos. I photographed them before when I went to LA with Rich.
This time the whole Malbec crew, excluding their manager let me cast them. It is huge because it they are the first people that did not have their heads casted. We casted Nick's upper back/shoulders, Mark's whole back while he was bending down touching his toes, Sam's shoulder to her elbow but she had it extended back and inverting and flexing, I don't know, it was weird, Sid's shoulders but more in the front and separate, and Pablos two forarm tops held in fists. They came out great and I'm really excited both to have alternative body parts other than heads, and 5 people. That's the most so far in one shoot. Exciting!
I just want to mention that I wore a crazy hootchie tight bright red jump suit with a candy cane print belt to their Christmas party. It was treacherous. Certainly a good laugh. I never meant to really wear that thing...
Here's a great video that Malbec just put out.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Look at this awesome video that Rich Castro made for the Wear Recycle shoot #4!
Nicky Watts Studios - Wear Recycle Photoshoot #4 from Rich Castro on Vimeo.
Nicky Watts Studios - Wear Recycle Photoshoot #4 from Rich Castro on Vimeo.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Wear Recycle #3, sneak peak of #4, and more
Hello everyone.
A new Henderson Art Association blog is really kick butt: www.hendersonartassociation.blogspot.com
A lot has been going on in the crazy life of Nicky. I have started the sculptures I am making for WoPro, my licensing for Nicky Watts Studios has been officially started, I submitted a card design for AIGA, the Recycle Paper Sculpture Series has moved forward, I am starting a branch company with another photographer, the Chamber had Ann and I present at the network breakfast, and these last two weeks have been killer.
Those of you who have been following my blog are familiar with my assignment with WoPro. I have started the first of the 15-20 sculptures. It's a bust. She'll be wearing a large fancy hat and a corset to pay tribute to the first woman to receive a patten in the US: Mary Kies. I'll talk more about this when I have photos to show and more sculptures.
I am applying to be an S-Corp under the recommendation of a lawyer who will be my corporate lawyer. Her name is Darcy and she is very nice, intelligent, and she's going to let me cast her head for Wear Recycle (well, I think I have convinced her).
As for Wear Recycle (formally Recycled Paper Sculpture Series): I got this new name because, with the recommendation of Ann, I submitted a card to the AIGA "What's Your Cause" card fundraiser. Ann (Pettit) of Suede Studios helped me design it. She's my best buddy here and a really great designer. She came up with Wear Recycle and it sounds a whole lot better than Recycle Paper Sculpture Series, so I'm using that now....thanks Ann. I'm always stealing here incredible ideas.
Well, to make a long story short about this fundraiser, the place that sponsored the event: Graphics West, is printing me up a bunch of extra copies of the cards. So unofficially they are the first sponsors of the project. I haven't told them that yet, but I'm sure they won't mind the advertising. I appreciate what they are doing so much.
Since the last time I wrote, the team and I have shot two photo shoot, three people, and I have casted three more. We are weaning into business owners and community members. I have a lot of people who have agreed to do it now. About 15 professionals! I'm really excited about that. Bre and Alice from the Henderson Chamber are doing it along with a handful of chamber members. I love getting the community involved. I'm trying really hard to link the business owners and professionals I meet with the arts in Henderson. One could say it is my goal.
Thank goodness these are done! The editing in this batch took a while, but I'm finally finished. Honestly, I didn't think I shot it very well, but I'm happy with the final outcome.
Photographer and Sculptor: Nicky Watts
Model: Brittani Rael
Hair Stylist: Valarie Zwahlen
Make Up Artist: Samantha Henrikson
Assistants: Jennifer Nicholson and Jeannette Spradley

Here's a sneak peak of what #4 looks like

Photographer and Sculptor: Nicky Watts
Model: Malika Istandarova
Hair Stylist: Valarie Zwahlen
Make Up Artist: Samantha Henrikson
Assistants: Ann Pettit
This is from the 4th shoot. I rushed getting the editing for this done because Malika is submitting it for the cover of a magazine in the country she is from. Don't ask me what country because she told me and I had never heard of it. I guess it used to be part of Russia, but I could be totally wrong on that. Geography was always a challenge to me. I'm crossing my fingers because it would be great if it were published, especially on the cover! Wear Recycle international!
I had to put this set on hold after completing this image so I could finish Brittani's photos. So they will be done soon. The shoot was also with Pharoah Najm, but you'll see him in the finished products ;).
I will tell you more about my future endeavors with Jenn and Marcelo when it is more set up and ready.
Network Breakfast!!! Ann Pettit (previously mentioned) and I had the opportunity to present our Strategic Alliance at the breakfast. This was a great opportunity for Ann and I to boast about our skills and companies and each others in front of everyone. We used the AIGA card as an example and discussed how we plan marketing strategies together. I used my recent ploy: the coca cola playing card attached to my business card. We did a great job. I am sure I got at least one client from it, and possibly another. Good work to both of us!
Well, I'm pretty tired of writing now. There are advances in HAA and the artist/live space I'm trying to build too, but I'm too tired to explain. More very soon, not sure when because I have a shoot tomorrow that will take a lot of editing, but soon.
Thanks for reading. :)
A new Henderson Art Association blog is really kick butt: www.hendersonartassociation.blogspot.com
A lot has been going on in the crazy life of Nicky. I have started the sculptures I am making for WoPro, my licensing for Nicky Watts Studios has been officially started, I submitted a card design for AIGA, the Recycle Paper Sculpture Series has moved forward, I am starting a branch company with another photographer, the Chamber had Ann and I present at the network breakfast, and these last two weeks have been killer.
Those of you who have been following my blog are familiar with my assignment with WoPro. I have started the first of the 15-20 sculptures. It's a bust. She'll be wearing a large fancy hat and a corset to pay tribute to the first woman to receive a patten in the US: Mary Kies. I'll talk more about this when I have photos to show and more sculptures.
I am applying to be an S-Corp under the recommendation of a lawyer who will be my corporate lawyer. Her name is Darcy and she is very nice, intelligent, and she's going to let me cast her head for Wear Recycle (well, I think I have convinced her).
As for Wear Recycle (formally Recycled Paper Sculpture Series): I got this new name because, with the recommendation of Ann, I submitted a card to the AIGA "What's Your Cause" card fundraiser. Ann (Pettit) of Suede Studios helped me design it. She's my best buddy here and a really great designer. She came up with Wear Recycle and it sounds a whole lot better than Recycle Paper Sculpture Series, so I'm using that now....thanks Ann. I'm always stealing here incredible ideas.
Well, to make a long story short about this fundraiser, the place that sponsored the event: Graphics West, is printing me up a bunch of extra copies of the cards. So unofficially they are the first sponsors of the project. I haven't told them that yet, but I'm sure they won't mind the advertising. I appreciate what they are doing so much.
Since the last time I wrote, the team and I have shot two photo shoot, three people, and I have casted three more. We are weaning into business owners and community members. I have a lot of people who have agreed to do it now. About 15 professionals! I'm really excited about that. Bre and Alice from the Henderson Chamber are doing it along with a handful of chamber members. I love getting the community involved. I'm trying really hard to link the business owners and professionals I meet with the arts in Henderson. One could say it is my goal.
Thank goodness these are done! The editing in this batch took a while, but I'm finally finished. Honestly, I didn't think I shot it very well, but I'm happy with the final outcome.
Photographer and Sculptor: Nicky Watts
Model: Brittani Rael
Hair Stylist: Valarie Zwahlen
Make Up Artist: Samantha Henrikson
Assistants: Jennifer Nicholson and Jeannette Spradley

Here's a sneak peak of what #4 looks like

Photographer and Sculptor: Nicky Watts
Model: Malika Istandarova
Hair Stylist: Valarie Zwahlen
Make Up Artist: Samantha Henrikson
Assistants: Ann Pettit
This is from the 4th shoot. I rushed getting the editing for this done because Malika is submitting it for the cover of a magazine in the country she is from. Don't ask me what country because she told me and I had never heard of it. I guess it used to be part of Russia, but I could be totally wrong on that. Geography was always a challenge to me. I'm crossing my fingers because it would be great if it were published, especially on the cover! Wear Recycle international!
I had to put this set on hold after completing this image so I could finish Brittani's photos. So they will be done soon. The shoot was also with Pharoah Najm, but you'll see him in the finished products ;).
I will tell you more about my future endeavors with Jenn and Marcelo when it is more set up and ready.
Network Breakfast!!! Ann Pettit (previously mentioned) and I had the opportunity to present our Strategic Alliance at the breakfast. This was a great opportunity for Ann and I to boast about our skills and companies and each others in front of everyone. We used the AIGA card as an example and discussed how we plan marketing strategies together. I used my recent ploy: the coca cola playing card attached to my business card. We did a great job. I am sure I got at least one client from it, and possibly another. Good work to both of us!
Well, I'm pretty tired of writing now. There are advances in HAA and the artist/live space I'm trying to build too, but I'm too tired to explain. More very soon, not sure when because I have a shoot tomorrow that will take a lot of editing, but soon.
Thanks for reading. :)
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Another Jenn Martin, my trip to MA: Aaron, RPSS update, and some patrotism
I'm sorry I have been awful with updating lately. Basically, I was in MA for 10 days and have not stopped moving since I got back.
Here is the image I have finished in a crazy style from the Jenn Martin shoot. I wanted to make it creepy since the idea of blocking oneself from being able to talk is a morbid, but consistently real idea. She looks bird like, intense. What do you think of the style?

Makeup Artist/Light Hair: Zoya Pride
Assistant: Jenn Nicholson
So I went home to help my mom move from the cellar back up into the normal part of her house and to attend a Halloween Wedding of my great friend Natalie.
The wedding was the most fun and interesting wedding I have ever attended. Natalie was the most beautiful bride I have ever seen.
For my mom's house, I scraped a lot wall paper and lead paint. I wore a whole body suit, gloves to my elbows, a face mask, and goggles. I felt mighty protected. I ended up wearing this wonderful outfit as my Halloween costume, it worked well.
I also brought my camera gear for my sister so I could take photo of her family. I shot my nephew and two new nieces. The baby is blood and the oldest is married in, but hell, she's my niece too no matter what anyone else wants to say about it. I guess I have one more, but since I haven't spent any time with her yet its hard to consider her my niece too. I have not finished the other photos yet, only Aaron's. Well family stuff, not what you're here for, but you have got to see these photos of my nephew. If he is not a performer I don't know who is.

That's the normal one, proper.

Yup, this was his idea to put his hat like that.

Here's his shocked look
And this next one is my favorite:

His gangster look.
Now it is very clear to me that this kid has a future in media mainstream. For 10 years old to have his awareness of emotion behind the camera! Oh how I love this kid. Look at how awesome his eyes are. I'm not sure if its just a strange reflections that was going on, but he has an orange spot in his right (our left) eye and the other one is a much stronger blue. I did saturate them, but I didn't change any colors. Crazy awesome. Our Aunt Lisa has a spot in one of her eyes too. Tarcy (my sister, his mom) said he doesn't, so maybe its just my photos, but it looks like he does too. I love it.
Recycled Paper Sculpture Series Update
I have a shoot tomorrow and next Wednesday I have another one but that one will be the first one that I shoot two models at one time. I'm not sure how it will go, but we'll see.
I have also halted on casting models and have now moved into performers, business owners, community members, and families. Mainly what I call normal people. I have casted my friend Ann, actually, she was my test cast, but I will hopefully be shooting her soon. I have received confirmations from a few Henderson Chamber of Commerce members too. I am very excited about this transition into "normal people". I am hoping to cast Rich soon and maybe he will cast and shoot me too. I want to cast everyone I know. I'm not sure if that's possible, but I want to try. As soon as I buy the big box of plaster from online, I think I will have a huge casting day where I invite people over all day to cast. I love that idea!
If you are interested in being casted and can come to me just let me know. I would love to expand it internationally, but since I'm a broke artist it could only be if you come to me, or get me to you. Really I like the second option more :) But then you would still have to get to Vegas because my hair and makeup artists who are signed for the whole project are here in Vegas. Of course we could all travel to other places, I'm sure they wouldn't have any objections ;).
Another update on this project is that I made a card for AIGA for a fundraiser they have going on. The fundraiser is Name Your Cause. Of course I was fusing fashion with recycling. Ann Petit, my very good friend here in Vegas, who is an exceptional graphic designer helped me design it. The card came out great and I am happy to announce that many participants in the project will be attending the reception on Thursday. I am very excited that even a couple of the models who have not been shot yet are going to the reception to support the project. I love that; it makes me feel like the models feel good about participating in the series. Ann did a really great job.
There's a lot of other really exciting stuff that's going on and to make it simple I am going to copy and paste what I wrote for Stefani for WoPro. This is pretty advertising proper, but I just wrote it yesterday...along with the first proposal to the Artist/Living spaces that I mention in here.
As an active member of the contemporary art world, Nicky Watts has organized seventeen art exhibitions and has been a featured artist in 18 exhibitions nationally and internationally including two solo exhibitions. Her art medium/type ranges from fashion, painting, performance, photography, sculpture, and video. Aside from her personal art experience, Nicky Watts has worked as a free-lance photographer for the past five years.
Currently, Watts is involved in an array of activities including starting her own business, developing a large-scale art exhibition, volunteering in her community, and planning art living spaces in a developing Henderson neighborhood.
Watts combines her event planning, contemporary art skill, and experience with photography to Construct the Perfect Image to Sell Your Product under the name Nicky Watts Studios. She works with companies to create cutting edge images for advertising as well as photographs models and talent to create creative and diverse portfolios. Whether the product is a person, object, or idea, when one chooses Nicky Watts Studios it is guaranteed quality and satisfaction.
“An artist or business owner is only as strong as the community that surrounds her.” Therefore Watts believes being an active volunteer in her community is vital for growth, success, and satisfaction.
“I am asking the community business owners, families, and politicians to contribute their time to show their support for Mother Earth.” Watts is in the middle of creating a large conceptual art exhibit using junk paper to make photographs of the “Recycled Paper Sculpture Series”. She has been photographing Las Vegas models and is just beginning to cast (the first process to complete the sculptures) performers, business owners, and community members. She will then move on to prominent figures in the community, politicians, and celebrities. Watts is hoping to gain participation from a few full casts of Las Vegas shows such as one of the Cirque du Soleil or Phantom of the Opera.
Watts is an ambassador to the Henderson Chamber of Commerce where she welcomes new businesses to the Chamber community. This relationship has been a strong developing tool for her and she feels grateful to be able to give back encouraging other members to realize and utilize potential for success in the business world through the Chamber.
Recently, Watts has become the first Public Relations person for the Henderson Art Association in over three years. The Association, also know as HAA, is a driving force for artists in the Henderson area. It is responsible for the Third Thursday event that takes place in the Water Street District of Henderson and is a large part of a development effort to make the Water Street District a thriving arts district in Henderson.
For WoPro, Watts is developing a large-scale sculpture series based off important women in our history and present time to create a photo montage timeline that WoPro will use for advertising memorabilia. Watts is a founding member of the organization which celebrates women’s achievements and strengths. Her art making and dedication is a large point of interest within WoPro.
Using the relationships she has made in the Chamber of Commerce, Henderson Art Association, WoPro, and her previous experiences of art organizing, education, managing artists, and event planning, Watts is planning to build artist live/work spaces in the Water Street District. If achieved, these living spaces will be a grounding achievement in the development of the Water Street District by bringing artists into the community. It will be a core-working environment for artist offering photography, 2d, and sculpture studio space as well as a music production room and a wood/metals workshop. It will give the neighboring restaurants and cafés a reason to stay open late, as well as put Henderson on the map as a leading art environment.
I wrote this for the front page to the WoPro website. I am honored that Stefani is putting me on there. She's great. I will talk about her when the work I am doing for WoPro has developed a little more than it has right now. Its a great organization with a great president. If you see any typos in the bio, let me know. I'm not a very good editor of my own stuff.
Well, so much is going on I could keep talking, but then I wouldn't get much done. There's one more Jenn Martin image coming but I need a higher resolution Waterford Wedgewood logo to put on it before it gets sent out.
Thanks for reading.
Here is the image I have finished in a crazy style from the Jenn Martin shoot. I wanted to make it creepy since the idea of blocking oneself from being able to talk is a morbid, but consistently real idea. She looks bird like, intense. What do you think of the style?

Makeup Artist/Light Hair: Zoya Pride
Assistant: Jenn Nicholson
So I went home to help my mom move from the cellar back up into the normal part of her house and to attend a Halloween Wedding of my great friend Natalie.
The wedding was the most fun and interesting wedding I have ever attended. Natalie was the most beautiful bride I have ever seen.
For my mom's house, I scraped a lot wall paper and lead paint. I wore a whole body suit, gloves to my elbows, a face mask, and goggles. I felt mighty protected. I ended up wearing this wonderful outfit as my Halloween costume, it worked well.
I also brought my camera gear for my sister so I could take photo of her family. I shot my nephew and two new nieces. The baby is blood and the oldest is married in, but hell, she's my niece too no matter what anyone else wants to say about it. I guess I have one more, but since I haven't spent any time with her yet its hard to consider her my niece too. I have not finished the other photos yet, only Aaron's. Well family stuff, not what you're here for, but you have got to see these photos of my nephew. If he is not a performer I don't know who is.

That's the normal one, proper.

Yup, this was his idea to put his hat like that.

Here's his shocked look
And this next one is my favorite:

His gangster look.
Now it is very clear to me that this kid has a future in media mainstream. For 10 years old to have his awareness of emotion behind the camera! Oh how I love this kid. Look at how awesome his eyes are. I'm not sure if its just a strange reflections that was going on, but he has an orange spot in his right (our left) eye and the other one is a much stronger blue. I did saturate them, but I didn't change any colors. Crazy awesome. Our Aunt Lisa has a spot in one of her eyes too. Tarcy (my sister, his mom) said he doesn't, so maybe its just my photos, but it looks like he does too. I love it.
Recycled Paper Sculpture Series Update
I have a shoot tomorrow and next Wednesday I have another one but that one will be the first one that I shoot two models at one time. I'm not sure how it will go, but we'll see.
I have also halted on casting models and have now moved into performers, business owners, community members, and families. Mainly what I call normal people. I have casted my friend Ann, actually, she was my test cast, but I will hopefully be shooting her soon. I have received confirmations from a few Henderson Chamber of Commerce members too. I am very excited about this transition into "normal people". I am hoping to cast Rich soon and maybe he will cast and shoot me too. I want to cast everyone I know. I'm not sure if that's possible, but I want to try. As soon as I buy the big box of plaster from online, I think I will have a huge casting day where I invite people over all day to cast. I love that idea!
If you are interested in being casted and can come to me just let me know. I would love to expand it internationally, but since I'm a broke artist it could only be if you come to me, or get me to you. Really I like the second option more :) But then you would still have to get to Vegas because my hair and makeup artists who are signed for the whole project are here in Vegas. Of course we could all travel to other places, I'm sure they wouldn't have any objections ;).
Another update on this project is that I made a card for AIGA for a fundraiser they have going on. The fundraiser is Name Your Cause. Of course I was fusing fashion with recycling. Ann Petit, my very good friend here in Vegas, who is an exceptional graphic designer helped me design it. The card came out great and I am happy to announce that many participants in the project will be attending the reception on Thursday. I am very excited that even a couple of the models who have not been shot yet are going to the reception to support the project. I love that; it makes me feel like the models feel good about participating in the series. Ann did a really great job.
There's a lot of other really exciting stuff that's going on and to make it simple I am going to copy and paste what I wrote for Stefani for WoPro. This is pretty advertising proper, but I just wrote it yesterday...along with the first proposal to the Artist/Living spaces that I mention in here.
As an active member of the contemporary art world, Nicky Watts has organized seventeen art exhibitions and has been a featured artist in 18 exhibitions nationally and internationally including two solo exhibitions. Her art medium/type ranges from fashion, painting, performance, photography, sculpture, and video. Aside from her personal art experience, Nicky Watts has worked as a free-lance photographer for the past five years.
Currently, Watts is involved in an array of activities including starting her own business, developing a large-scale art exhibition, volunteering in her community, and planning art living spaces in a developing Henderson neighborhood.
Watts combines her event planning, contemporary art skill, and experience with photography to Construct the Perfect Image to Sell Your Product under the name Nicky Watts Studios. She works with companies to create cutting edge images for advertising as well as photographs models and talent to create creative and diverse portfolios. Whether the product is a person, object, or idea, when one chooses Nicky Watts Studios it is guaranteed quality and satisfaction.
“An artist or business owner is only as strong as the community that surrounds her.” Therefore Watts believes being an active volunteer in her community is vital for growth, success, and satisfaction.
“I am asking the community business owners, families, and politicians to contribute their time to show their support for Mother Earth.” Watts is in the middle of creating a large conceptual art exhibit using junk paper to make photographs of the “Recycled Paper Sculpture Series”. She has been photographing Las Vegas models and is just beginning to cast (the first process to complete the sculptures) performers, business owners, and community members. She will then move on to prominent figures in the community, politicians, and celebrities. Watts is hoping to gain participation from a few full casts of Las Vegas shows such as one of the Cirque du Soleil or Phantom of the Opera.
Watts is an ambassador to the Henderson Chamber of Commerce where she welcomes new businesses to the Chamber community. This relationship has been a strong developing tool for her and she feels grateful to be able to give back encouraging other members to realize and utilize potential for success in the business world through the Chamber.
Recently, Watts has become the first Public Relations person for the Henderson Art Association in over three years. The Association, also know as HAA, is a driving force for artists in the Henderson area. It is responsible for the Third Thursday event that takes place in the Water Street District of Henderson and is a large part of a development effort to make the Water Street District a thriving arts district in Henderson.
For WoPro, Watts is developing a large-scale sculpture series based off important women in our history and present time to create a photo montage timeline that WoPro will use for advertising memorabilia. Watts is a founding member of the organization which celebrates women’s achievements and strengths. Her art making and dedication is a large point of interest within WoPro.
Using the relationships she has made in the Chamber of Commerce, Henderson Art Association, WoPro, and her previous experiences of art organizing, education, managing artists, and event planning, Watts is planning to build artist live/work spaces in the Water Street District. If achieved, these living spaces will be a grounding achievement in the development of the Water Street District by bringing artists into the community. It will be a core-working environment for artist offering photography, 2d, and sculpture studio space as well as a music production room and a wood/metals workshop. It will give the neighboring restaurants and cafés a reason to stay open late, as well as put Henderson on the map as a leading art environment.
I wrote this for the front page to the WoPro website. I am honored that Stefani is putting me on there. She's great. I will talk about her when the work I am doing for WoPro has developed a little more than it has right now. Its a great organization with a great president. If you see any typos in the bio, let me know. I'm not a very good editor of my own stuff.
Well, so much is going on I could keep talking, but then I wouldn't get much done. There's one more Jenn Martin image coming but I need a higher resolution Waterford Wedgewood logo to put on it before it gets sent out.
Thanks for reading.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
An elegant feathered friend
This is Jenn Martin. She came to me in need of starting a modeling portfolio. We decided to give her four different looks, so she looked like she has had more experience than just one photo shoot.
This picture was the last of the four different styles. We struggled to find the perfect ornament to add to the look. This headdress is actually a bra type piece of clothing that I found at a thrift store a couple of months ago.
The makeup artist: Zoya Pride, did a wonderful job with makeup in this shot. Jenn really resembles a bird.

Photographer: Nicky Watts
Model: Jenn Martin
Hair and Make Up: Zoya Pride
This picture was the last of the four different styles. We struggled to find the perfect ornament to add to the look. This headdress is actually a bra type piece of clothing that I found at a thrift store a couple of months ago.
The makeup artist: Zoya Pride, did a wonderful job with makeup in this shot. Jenn really resembles a bird.

Photographer: Nicky Watts
Model: Jenn Martin
Hair and Make Up: Zoya Pride
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Recycled Paper Sculpture #2!
Oh yes. Here it is.
For those of you who don't know, I have been working on these recycled paper sculptures for a while now. I made my first one when I was still living in Chicago. It took about two weeks for the paper to dry. Here in Vegas, in the dead heat of summer, it took about 24 hours.
The original sculpture was of a sewing mannequin that I had built a pregnant belly on. I was going to deal with my sisters pregnancy through this. Tarcy (my sister) had giving birth by the time I graduated and was able to put my time into the project.
I kept the idea of recycled paper sculptures in my head. Then a client of mine wanted really creative portraits: walla...time for the recycled paper sculpture... He turned down the idea, but my mind wouldn't let it go.
I have also been taking 8x10 negatives of these shoots, and have developed them. I got acceptable images from each shoot, with lots and lots of room for improvement. It seems my camera has a light leak, so I need to figure out exactly where. Its a new camera for me. I'm actually borrowing for a very long time and am hoping that I'm not asked for it back until I can afford to get my own. Its like my baby, I love it.
Here are the pics.

and the credits:
Photographer: Nicky Watts
Location: Nicky Watts Studios, Las Vegas
Model: Priscilla Gallegos
Make Up Artist: Samantha Henrikson
Hair Stylist: Valarie Zwahlen
Recycled Paper Sculpture: custom $2500: Nicky Watts
Wardrobe: Priscilla Gallegos
Assistant: Morgan Zwahlen
I just want to announce, that I have an incredible team working with me on this. They are just so cool.
I almost forgot to mention; while we were preparing for the shoot, Samantha and I decided to make hamburgers (She was very early so it was no big deal), and I'm always concerned that everyone ate well before hard work. At some point while the burgers were cooking, I forgot the spatula on the stove and walked away. There was a huge burnt section of the spatula followed by the fire alarms. Oh boy must I have the worst fire alarm on the face of the planet. Rich and I have no reason to worry that we would sleep through them, that's for sure. Luckily, Priscilla hadn't eaten either so it justified the awful noise that was erupting right as Valarie and Priscilla were settling in. The fire alarms went off twice, and Priscilla's first burger was barely cooked. What a riot! Its a good thing I'm a photographer and not a chef!
For those of you who don't know, I have been working on these recycled paper sculptures for a while now. I made my first one when I was still living in Chicago. It took about two weeks for the paper to dry. Here in Vegas, in the dead heat of summer, it took about 24 hours.
The original sculpture was of a sewing mannequin that I had built a pregnant belly on. I was going to deal with my sisters pregnancy through this. Tarcy (my sister) had giving birth by the time I graduated and was able to put my time into the project.
I kept the idea of recycled paper sculptures in my head. Then a client of mine wanted really creative portraits: walla...time for the recycled paper sculpture... He turned down the idea, but my mind wouldn't let it go.
I have also been taking 8x10 negatives of these shoots, and have developed them. I got acceptable images from each shoot, with lots and lots of room for improvement. It seems my camera has a light leak, so I need to figure out exactly where. Its a new camera for me. I'm actually borrowing for a very long time and am hoping that I'm not asked for it back until I can afford to get my own. Its like my baby, I love it.
Here are the pics.

and the credits:
Photographer: Nicky Watts
Location: Nicky Watts Studios, Las Vegas
Model: Priscilla Gallegos
Make Up Artist: Samantha Henrikson
Hair Stylist: Valarie Zwahlen
Recycled Paper Sculpture: custom $2500: Nicky Watts
Wardrobe: Priscilla Gallegos
Assistant: Morgan Zwahlen
I just want to announce, that I have an incredible team working with me on this. They are just so cool.
I almost forgot to mention; while we were preparing for the shoot, Samantha and I decided to make hamburgers (She was very early so it was no big deal), and I'm always concerned that everyone ate well before hard work. At some point while the burgers were cooking, I forgot the spatula on the stove and walked away. There was a huge burnt section of the spatula followed by the fire alarms. Oh boy must I have the worst fire alarm on the face of the planet. Rich and I have no reason to worry that we would sleep through them, that's for sure. Luckily, Priscilla hadn't eaten either so it justified the awful noise that was erupting right as Valarie and Priscilla were settling in. The fire alarms went off twice, and Priscilla's first burger was barely cooked. What a riot! Its a good thing I'm a photographer and not a chef!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Coco Rouge Shoot
I forgot to mention that I finished the head shot of Heather Heins from the Coco Rouge shoot. For those of you who are not familiar with this shoot, I will post all the post-processed photos from it here.

Here are the credits for the shoot.
Photographer: Nicky Watts
Location: Coco Rouge, Chicago
Model: Heather Heins
Make Up Artist: Katelyn Westerman
Hair Stylist: Angelica Rivera @ Tigerlilie Salon, Chicago
Stylist: Nicky Watts
Necklace: Fey & Company
Dress: Nicole Miller
Assistances: Dicky C, Jamilah Adebesin, Mike Mason
And here are the photos that I finished from this shoot a while back.

This came out of a Butch Walker concert.
I was visiting Chicago a couple months back for three weeks with Rich. My very good friend Andres DeJesus (a great photographer as well) let me borrow his lighting equipment while I was there. Heather (who is a friend of Rich's). mentioned to Rich that she wanted to do a pin up style shoot. He asked me if I had time.
HHmmm....my mind started spinning, as it often does when I'm approached to do a shoot. The next day Heather and I went shopping to find stuff for the shoot. I had already decided I wanted it at Coco Rouge (I had had a drink at a wine bar next door a couple nights before), though at that time didn't know for sure if they would let me. In three days time, I booked the shoot with Coco Rouge, had Katelyn the makeup artist, all the accessories, and we were ready to shoot.
We were having problems finding someone who would do hair without pay. A problem I have had for many of my fun shoots. Last minute, Heather found Angelica and she rushed to get her hair done at Tigerlilie salon before the shoot.
Then the waiting came. Heather had gotten turned around on her way back from the salon and was completely lost. We were suppose to start shooting at 10pm, when Coco Rouge closes, but Heather didn't even arrive until 10:15. The shoot took much longer than I anticipated and we didn't get out until past midnight.
Of course it was all worth it, because these photos came out incredible. Everyone did a wonderful job and Coco Rouge was the perfect setting.
I just wanted to mention the light that is coming from behind Heather. Mike Mason was holding that light and every time it flashed, it must have blinded him but he was such a team player. And Jamilah...how I love Jamilah, I could tell she wanted to be modeling; she's the gorgeous woman in my Afrikan Queen photo below. We will have to do a really elaborate photo shoot with her modeling next time.

Here are the credits for the shoot.
Photographer: Nicky Watts
Location: Coco Rouge, Chicago
Model: Heather Heins
Make Up Artist: Katelyn Westerman
Hair Stylist: Angelica Rivera @ Tigerlilie Salon, Chicago
Stylist: Nicky Watts
Necklace: Fey & Company
Dress: Nicole Miller
Assistances: Dicky C, Jamilah Adebesin, Mike Mason
And here are the photos that I finished from this shoot a while back.

This came out of a Butch Walker concert.
I was visiting Chicago a couple months back for three weeks with Rich. My very good friend Andres DeJesus (a great photographer as well) let me borrow his lighting equipment while I was there. Heather (who is a friend of Rich's). mentioned to Rich that she wanted to do a pin up style shoot. He asked me if I had time.
HHmmm....my mind started spinning, as it often does when I'm approached to do a shoot. The next day Heather and I went shopping to find stuff for the shoot. I had already decided I wanted it at Coco Rouge (I had had a drink at a wine bar next door a couple nights before), though at that time didn't know for sure if they would let me. In three days time, I booked the shoot with Coco Rouge, had Katelyn the makeup artist, all the accessories, and we were ready to shoot.
We were having problems finding someone who would do hair without pay. A problem I have had for many of my fun shoots. Last minute, Heather found Angelica and she rushed to get her hair done at Tigerlilie salon before the shoot.
Then the waiting came. Heather had gotten turned around on her way back from the salon and was completely lost. We were suppose to start shooting at 10pm, when Coco Rouge closes, but Heather didn't even arrive until 10:15. The shoot took much longer than I anticipated and we didn't get out until past midnight.
Of course it was all worth it, because these photos came out incredible. Everyone did a wonderful job and Coco Rouge was the perfect setting.
I just wanted to mention the light that is coming from behind Heather. Mike Mason was holding that light and every time it flashed, it must have blinded him but he was such a team player. And Jamilah...how I love Jamilah, I could tell she wanted to be modeling; she's the gorgeous woman in my Afrikan Queen photo below. We will have to do a really elaborate photo shoot with her modeling next time.
Casting and more
Ok. So I haven't blogged in a little while. It doesn't mean I haven't been doing some cool things though.
I have now finished the second recycled paper sculpture and will be shoot Priscilla on Tuesday.
I just casted the third model about a half our ago. Her name is Malikasha and she has incredible hair. So much that we had problems getting control of it for the casting. I ended up making a ring for the cast, so her hair can come out the middle for the shoot. Malikasha and her sister Mira were so nice.
I also have a shoot on Sunday to develop a young ladies first modeling portfolio.
I had a ribbon cutting at The Waterford Wedgewood Company Store earlier this week. The manager there, Kim, said I can use their merchandise in my photos. I'm so excited, I borrowed a perfume bottle. Kim said it had a specific name because it sprays, but I don't know what it is. This will go very nice with the shoot on Sunday. We will be doing an evening shot, it will go perfect.
Since the last time I wrote, I also have attended a exporting seminar. I hope that I am able and prepared to export within a year. I want my exhibitions to go over seas, so I will be looking into this more.
I've been working diligently on Crystal Bowersox's cd cover. i am prob starting over because neither her or myself are loving what I've been working on, but I've been having a lot of fun with the blending and layer modes. I'll prob put up all the different experiments once I have finalized what it will be.
Well, Take care.
I have now finished the second recycled paper sculpture and will be shoot Priscilla on Tuesday.
I just casted the third model about a half our ago. Her name is Malikasha and she has incredible hair. So much that we had problems getting control of it for the casting. I ended up making a ring for the cast, so her hair can come out the middle for the shoot. Malikasha and her sister Mira were so nice.
I also have a shoot on Sunday to develop a young ladies first modeling portfolio.
I had a ribbon cutting at The Waterford Wedgewood Company Store earlier this week. The manager there, Kim, said I can use their merchandise in my photos. I'm so excited, I borrowed a perfume bottle. Kim said it had a specific name because it sprays, but I don't know what it is. This will go very nice with the shoot on Sunday. We will be doing an evening shot, it will go perfect.
Since the last time I wrote, I also have attended a exporting seminar. I hope that I am able and prepared to export within a year. I want my exhibitions to go over seas, so I will be looking into this more.
I've been working diligently on Crystal Bowersox's cd cover. i am prob starting over because neither her or myself are loving what I've been working on, but I've been having a lot of fun with the blending and layer modes. I'll prob put up all the different experiments once I have finalized what it will be.
Well, Take care.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
So I'm still working on my business plan.
It's a long process if one is doing it correctly. It involves research, planning, deep thought, and a whole lot of aggravation. On the plus side, it gives a person allocated time to investigate others who are your competitors. Those who have mastered what your goal.
I have found a website today with an agent who has miraculous taste in photographers. One day my works will take up internet space on this page of great talent.
Here is the list of great photographers that I consider competitors. It is mainly the fashion side of my competition, though a few shoot celebrities as well. Investigation takes a while ;).
With Agent: Michele Filomeno
Alexis Silvagni
Christophe Kutner
Claus Wickrath
David Ferrua
James Macari
Javier Valihonrat
Jean-Francois Campos
Juan Gatti
Peter Lindbergh
Sophie Delaporte
Stafano Galuzzi
Tiziano Magni
I also put Annie Leibovitz on the list even though she is not represented by Filomeno. She has been very lucky to have shot much subject matter that interests me.
This list will grow as my investigation blooms. I am going to try and contact as many of these photographers as I can to get advice from them. They all have incredible work.
It's a long process if one is doing it correctly. It involves research, planning, deep thought, and a whole lot of aggravation. On the plus side, it gives a person allocated time to investigate others who are your competitors. Those who have mastered what your goal.
I have found a website today with an agent who has miraculous taste in photographers. One day my works will take up internet space on this page of great talent.
Here is the list of great photographers that I consider competitors. It is mainly the fashion side of my competition, though a few shoot celebrities as well. Investigation takes a while ;).
With Agent: Michele Filomeno
Alexis Silvagni
Christophe Kutner
Claus Wickrath
David Ferrua
James Macari
Javier Valihonrat
Jean-Francois Campos
Juan Gatti
Peter Lindbergh
Sophie Delaporte
Stafano Galuzzi
Tiziano Magni
I also put Annie Leibovitz on the list even though she is not represented by Filomeno. She has been very lucky to have shot much subject matter that interests me.
This list will grow as my investigation blooms. I am going to try and contact as many of these photographers as I can to get advice from them. They all have incredible work.
Hhmmmm Stock Market
I only wish I had enough money to invest right now while everything is dirt cheap.
I'm glad the bail out didn't pass, the market was going to crash any ways it just would have taken a couple weeks longer.
I'm glad for my acquaintance Mike who owns Gold Casters. He sells gold and the stock went way up for it. Congrats. :)
Who ever knew that Wall Street Culture was actually exciting?
I'm glad the bail out didn't pass, the market was going to crash any ways it just would have taken a couple weeks longer.
I'm glad for my acquaintance Mike who owns Gold Casters. He sells gold and the stock went way up for it. Congrats. :)
Who ever knew that Wall Street Culture was actually exciting?
Monday, September 29, 2008
4:09 AM: Crystal Bowersox
Yes, I stayed up all night photo shopping this, but its done...and it kicks butt!

Crystal Bowersox on her farm
It might get squished or cut off, so click on it to see the whole thing.

Crystal Bowersox on her farm
It might get squished or cut off, so click on it to see the whole thing.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Business Plan
Today I have been working on my business plan. It has been a tough and tiring thing to work through, but helpful and rewarding. I suggest all new photographers to start one ASAP. It allows you to know your goals and realities.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Shoot #1 of Recycled Paper Sculptures
This shoot was the most amazing shoot ever! I swear. Here are the credits:
Photographer: Nicky Watts
Location: Nicky Watts Studios, Las Vegas
Model: Zaya Kharkhuu
Make Up Artist: Samantha Hendrickson
Hair Stylist: Valarie Zwahlen
Recycled Paper Sculpture: custom $2500: Nicky Watts
Wardrobe: Zaya Kharkhuu
Assistant: Jeannette Spradley
Everyone did such a great job, I already finished the job. 4 pictures photoshopped, oh...and shot, in one day. Oh yea, I'm on a roll. Here's the grid I made of the final three I kept as the best.

Awesome, huh. Ok, well I'm off to sleep. Well after I print one for my very early morning networking breakfast....7am...yuck.
Photographer: Nicky Watts
Location: Nicky Watts Studios, Las Vegas
Model: Zaya Kharkhuu
Make Up Artist: Samantha Hendrickson
Hair Stylist: Valarie Zwahlen
Recycled Paper Sculpture: custom $2500: Nicky Watts
Wardrobe: Zaya Kharkhuu
Assistant: Jeannette Spradley
Everyone did such a great job, I already finished the job. 4 pictures photoshopped, oh...and shot, in one day. Oh yea, I'm on a roll. Here's the grid I made of the final three I kept as the best.

Awesome, huh. Ok, well I'm off to sleep. Well after I print one for my very early morning networking breakfast....7am...yuck.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Let me give you all a word of advise.
If it seems to be going faster than you understand, it is and you will pay for it later; and my web person is very nice and has high recommendation, so I can only image for the real sleaze balls out there.
If you are interested in hearing more about the troubles of this let me know, other wise I will not rant and rave on about it.
If it seems to be going faster than you understand, it is and you will pay for it later; and my web person is very nice and has high recommendation, so I can only image for the real sleaze balls out there.
If you are interested in hearing more about the troubles of this let me know, other wise I will not rant and rave on about it.
Photoshop girl...and more
I have started my recycled paper sculpture series. I'm really excited, I shoot the first one tomorrow. I have finished the sculpture for it, I tested the 8x10 camera.....and guess what....IT WORKS!
Tomorrow I have a solid team of people who are really excited about working with me. You can't get better than that.
Here are some pics I've finished recently. Its all stuff I shot this year but revised it. Most of it I shot in the last couple months.

This picture is of Ben Hilt of Raw Milk. It is from a shut down bridge in Chicago. It was crazy because I really wanted to shoot at this bridge, but I didn't even know if it had existed anymore. I ran into my first year living in Chicago with the brilliant Chicago artist Emmit Liston, but I hadn't seen it since. So it had basically been 6 years and I only vaguely knew what I was looking for. Rich thought I was crazy and it didn't exist, but here it is. We found it on intuition with no problem. I love it when that works out.

These two beautiful young ladies. They are both sisters who also happen to be incredible makeup artists. We shot this photo in Crystal Bowersox's apartment. We shot this when I was visiting Chicago for three weeks a couple months ago (one of 8 shoots). These are pictures that the sisters have wanted for a long time. It was a riot because we were actually (don't tell anyone) going to shoot in an empty apartment, but due to complications ended up shooting in Crystal's. Crystal's mom was there and admitted later that she thought they were lesbians because of their closeness. That made me laugh, these sisters are close, but not that close ;).
This was a great trade, I get to get my eye brows sculpted and my mustache removed when ever I make it to Chicago. These are services I would never pay, but between my trade with Angel at Buzz salon for prints of my Chastised Series and this, I am a very spoiled Chicago tourist :).
Here's another one from that series, but I don't love the background color here. What do you all think, should I change the background? ich likes it but I think it takes away from them. Something's not quite right.

The girls wanted the skin very smooth, I'm still debating whether this is way too smooth.
Well, there's more, but this is enough for now. Soon I will do a whole section on Crystal Bowersox. She is my favorite musician that I just so happen to have been lucky enough to have shot about 5 times. I will explain everything some day, but I'm working on her cd cover now and I want to wait. Check out her music at
I listen to this over and over again, I can't get enough of it.
Well, good night, Nicky
Tomorrow I have a solid team of people who are really excited about working with me. You can't get better than that.
Here are some pics I've finished recently. Its all stuff I shot this year but revised it. Most of it I shot in the last couple months.

This picture is of Ben Hilt of Raw Milk. It is from a shut down bridge in Chicago. It was crazy because I really wanted to shoot at this bridge, but I didn't even know if it had existed anymore. I ran into my first year living in Chicago with the brilliant Chicago artist Emmit Liston, but I hadn't seen it since. So it had basically been 6 years and I only vaguely knew what I was looking for. Rich thought I was crazy and it didn't exist, but here it is. We found it on intuition with no problem. I love it when that works out.

These two beautiful young ladies. They are both sisters who also happen to be incredible makeup artists. We shot this photo in Crystal Bowersox's apartment. We shot this when I was visiting Chicago for three weeks a couple months ago (one of 8 shoots). These are pictures that the sisters have wanted for a long time. It was a riot because we were actually (don't tell anyone) going to shoot in an empty apartment, but due to complications ended up shooting in Crystal's. Crystal's mom was there and admitted later that she thought they were lesbians because of their closeness. That made me laugh, these sisters are close, but not that close ;).
This was a great trade, I get to get my eye brows sculpted and my mustache removed when ever I make it to Chicago. These are services I would never pay, but between my trade with Angel at Buzz salon for prints of my Chastised Series and this, I am a very spoiled Chicago tourist :).
Here's another one from that series, but I don't love the background color here. What do you all think, should I change the background? ich likes it but I think it takes away from them. Something's not quite right.

The girls wanted the skin very smooth, I'm still debating whether this is way too smooth.
Well, there's more, but this is enough for now. Soon I will do a whole section on Crystal Bowersox. She is my favorite musician that I just so happen to have been lucky enough to have shot about 5 times. I will explain everything some day, but I'm working on her cd cover now and I want to wait. Check out her music at
I listen to this over and over again, I can't get enough of it.
Well, good night, Nicky
Sunday, September 21, 2008
New Movements
I'm really excited. My 8x10 camera is now set up in the living room and ready to be tested to make sure it works. I don't see any problems with it, other than a small chip around the edge of the lens. This sucks, but its not the end of the world either. I even have the film loaded so by the end of the day, it will be tested. Hopefully I will know this tomorrow or Tuesday.
I have been moving forward on my womens' body project. I will be meeting with some women in the next couple of weeks who are very interested in participating.
Now I have the group of former show girls
a belly dancer
a model
and an freelance escort
who are interested or have agreed to participate already. This is so exciting. I'm going to budget in some time next week to paint. With this many girls interested, all I need is to move forward with them and finish two paintings and I will be able to apply for some grants. Oh...its getting closer. I can feel it.
And.... I have a photo shoot this week for the recycled paper sculpture portraits. I will be testing on Ann tonight, casting the model on Monday, and we will shooting on Wednesday. Hair and makeup are already covered. I'm hoping to shoot both digital and with the 8x10 camera. How exciting!
Well, this isn't it, I have set up a separate Nicky Watts Studios myspace, Henderson Art Association email, a spam email, I found that an email I was using for flickr had been hacked and the individual had a myspace under it. I canceled that. I guess this is good advances in my internet PR. I'm pretty happy with it all because it all takes time to do. Well, so long. I'm hoping to video tape Monday and Wednesday so everyone can see the process.
And...lastly....WoPRo (the women's Networking Community that I'm really excited about) seems to be moving along really good. If all works out I will be renting some loft space with this organization. It will be shared space of 2000 sqft or more depending if the leads that exist now go through. Stefani, the president of the organization, is waiting to get the loft to see if contracts close. If they do the space will be bigger. Everything will be on wheels so it will be easy to shift things around depending on need. This will allow me to make huge sets, and that's what she wants me to do. She wants it to be based around the arts and I am the artist involved. It will be shared with 25-? professional women. I'm so very excited for this to happen. I feel good about it inside. I'm crossing my fingers, so you should all cross yours for me too. Well, I'll keep you updated.
I have been moving forward on my womens' body project. I will be meeting with some women in the next couple of weeks who are very interested in participating.
Now I have the group of former show girls
a belly dancer
a model
and an freelance escort
who are interested or have agreed to participate already. This is so exciting. I'm going to budget in some time next week to paint. With this many girls interested, all I need is to move forward with them and finish two paintings and I will be able to apply for some grants. Oh...its getting closer. I can feel it.
And.... I have a photo shoot this week for the recycled paper sculpture portraits. I will be testing on Ann tonight, casting the model on Monday, and we will shooting on Wednesday. Hair and makeup are already covered. I'm hoping to shoot both digital and with the 8x10 camera. How exciting!
Well, this isn't it, I have set up a separate Nicky Watts Studios myspace, Henderson Art Association email, a spam email, I found that an email I was using for flickr had been hacked and the individual had a myspace under it. I canceled that. I guess this is good advances in my internet PR. I'm pretty happy with it all because it all takes time to do. Well, so long. I'm hoping to video tape Monday and Wednesday so everyone can see the process.
And...lastly....WoPRo (the women's Networking Community that I'm really excited about) seems to be moving along really good. If all works out I will be renting some loft space with this organization. It will be shared space of 2000 sqft or more depending if the leads that exist now go through. Stefani, the president of the organization, is waiting to get the loft to see if contracts close. If they do the space will be bigger. Everything will be on wheels so it will be easy to shift things around depending on need. This will allow me to make huge sets, and that's what she wants me to do. She wants it to be based around the arts and I am the artist involved. It will be shared with 25-? professional women. I'm so very excited for this to happen. I feel good about it inside. I'm crossing my fingers, so you should all cross yours for me too. Well, I'll keep you updated.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
I have completed a bunch of work the last couple days. That convention just continues to prove its worth every time I'm on Photoshop.
This photo is really exciting to me. It's Malbec, a Los Angeles band I've wanted to shoot since I saw them in Chicago a couple months ago. This was on a whim, I was randomly passing through LA and called them. I happened to have about 60 yard worth of netting in the back of my (well Rich's) Honda Element named Eleanor. My style is usually heavily planned out, but here I had to think quick with little resources (well I had all my equipment)...little props.
Here's what I came out with. Its fun, was laid back (which I prefer), quick (which I also prefer for the actual shooting part), and they love the picture. They even want me to go back. I'm happy :)
This photo is really exciting to me. It's Malbec, a Los Angeles band I've wanted to shoot since I saw them in Chicago a couple months ago. This was on a whim, I was randomly passing through LA and called them. I happened to have about 60 yard worth of netting in the back of my (well Rich's) Honda Element named Eleanor. My style is usually heavily planned out, but here I had to think quick with little resources (well I had all my equipment)...little props.
Here's what I came out with. Its fun, was laid back (which I prefer), quick (which I also prefer for the actual shooting part), and they love the picture. They even want me to go back. I'm happy :)

Thursday, September 11, 2008
Today I went to this network lunch with one of my favorite groups I'm involved in; Chics Who Click. Its a wonderful group of photographers that meet once a month for lunch and talk about business. Today we discussed insurance, oh so helpful. The verdict....you need it! Business insurance in particular.
We also talked about PPA I think it is. Highly recommended for its professionalism and support for photographers. I think its actually something else; Professional Photographers Association ....... These girls are a riot. This has been my third month and I plan to continue. Every week (well almost) we take a group picture. Here's our picture this month:

Fun Hah?
After that I met with Sharon and Deb from the Henderson Art Association. I will be doing PR work for them. It was great to finally get grounded on what is going on with the association. Boy are they in a shift right now, I've come at the perfect time. Not to be arrogant or anything, but the woman who ran it before Deb really had it grounded, and its been in the weird shift that happens when a new director takes over. Now it really sounds like they're ready to move it forward. At least Sharon and Deb are. I am too....all of you who know me sure know I love planning stuff. I will have to restrain myself though, its not my group this time. That my be a little difficult to grasp at first, but I think I will be able to step off. I just hope people tell me if I'm pissing them off.
I'm really excited for tomorrow. I am meeting with Stefani, the individual who is starting the group called WoPro that I am involved in. I love her. She has a great personality and I am really pumped about the group. I can't wait to hear the advances she has made.
Well, soon I'm sure :0
I forgot to mention that the studio we are in for the Chics Who Click lunch is Connie's: Thanks Connie. She's the one who looks like Bette Midler. I love it.
We also talked about PPA I think it is. Highly recommended for its professionalism and support for photographers. I think its actually something else; Professional Photographers Association ....... These girls are a riot. This has been my third month and I plan to continue. Every week (well almost) we take a group picture. Here's our picture this month:

Fun Hah?
After that I met with Sharon and Deb from the Henderson Art Association. I will be doing PR work for them. It was great to finally get grounded on what is going on with the association. Boy are they in a shift right now, I've come at the perfect time. Not to be arrogant or anything, but the woman who ran it before Deb really had it grounded, and its been in the weird shift that happens when a new director takes over. Now it really sounds like they're ready to move it forward. At least Sharon and Deb are. I am too....all of you who know me sure know I love planning stuff. I will have to restrain myself though, its not my group this time. That my be a little difficult to grasp at first, but I think I will be able to step off. I just hope people tell me if I'm pissing them off.
I'm really excited for tomorrow. I am meeting with Stefani, the individual who is starting the group called WoPro that I am involved in. I love her. She has a great personality and I am really pumped about the group. I can't wait to hear the advances she has made.
Well, soon I'm sure :0
I forgot to mention that the studio we are in for the Chics Who Click lunch is Connie's: Thanks Connie. She's the one who looks like Bette Midler. I love it.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
First day of blogging!
I'm Nicky Watts, the one and only!! Actually, if you google my name a hockey player also comes up, so I guess I'm not the one and only. But, to elaborate slightly, I am like no other.
This is my first time blogging. I have been encouraged to do this for a while now, so I figured I might as well give it a try.
I'm about to turn 26. Getting older is great and deserves recognition. One more year survived in a world that throws individuals around like the wind. There's pride to reaching an age I never thought I would live to see. My current living location is Henderson, NV; just outside Las Vegas. My boyfriend and I of three years moved here to escape the chaos and cold chill of Chicago. Aug. would have marked my 7th year there; Rich grew up in the suburbs.
My occupation is as a contemporary artist and photographer.
For my age I am well practiced in the process of exhibitions. I worked as a free-lance photographer for over 5 years and have exhibited my art work in nearly 20 art exhibits. Organizing events and collaboration are pass times of mine. I ran an art group called New Works Group closely affiliated with the New Works Gallery at UIC for 2 years while I attended the Art and Design department. I graduated. UIC was a warm encouraging place to be, until my last year and a half. I found my Art Education teachers to be disrespectful and unnecessary, the photography department was my refuge.
In this blog, I will talk about my daily achievements as a photographer and artist. Maybe I will venture into the achievements in my life as well, but we'll see ;). I will start with last night:
I had the wonderful privilege of photographing Malbec in LA, CA. That is my achievement as of now. When I have completed the pictures I will prob have more to say about it. I'm blog pooped out, good bye for now.
I'm Nicky Watts, the one and only!! Actually, if you google my name a hockey player also comes up, so I guess I'm not the one and only. But, to elaborate slightly, I am like no other.
This is my first time blogging. I have been encouraged to do this for a while now, so I figured I might as well give it a try.
I'm about to turn 26. Getting older is great and deserves recognition. One more year survived in a world that throws individuals around like the wind. There's pride to reaching an age I never thought I would live to see. My current living location is Henderson, NV; just outside Las Vegas. My boyfriend and I of three years moved here to escape the chaos and cold chill of Chicago. Aug. would have marked my 7th year there; Rich grew up in the suburbs.
My occupation is as a contemporary artist and photographer.
For my age I am well practiced in the process of exhibitions. I worked as a free-lance photographer for over 5 years and have exhibited my art work in nearly 20 art exhibits. Organizing events and collaboration are pass times of mine. I ran an art group called New Works Group closely affiliated with the New Works Gallery at UIC for 2 years while I attended the Art and Design department. I graduated. UIC was a warm encouraging place to be, until my last year and a half. I found my Art Education teachers to be disrespectful and unnecessary, the photography department was my refuge.
In this blog, I will talk about my daily achievements as a photographer and artist. Maybe I will venture into the achievements in my life as well, but we'll see ;). I will start with last night:
I had the wonderful privilege of photographing Malbec in LA, CA. That is my achievement as of now. When I have completed the pictures I will prob have more to say about it. I'm blog pooped out, good bye for now.
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