Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I have completed a bunch of work the last couple days. That convention just continues to prove its worth every time I'm on Photoshop.

This photo is really exciting to me. It's Malbec, a Los Angeles band I've wanted to shoot since I saw them in Chicago a couple months ago. This was on a whim, I was randomly passing through LA and called them. I happened to have about 60 yard worth of netting in the back of my (well Rich's) Honda Element named Eleanor. My style is usually heavily planned out, but here I had to think quick with little resources (well I had all my equipment)...little props.

Here's what I came out with. Its fun, was laid back (which I prefer), quick (which I also prefer for the actual shooting part), and they love the picture. They even want me to go back. I'm happy :)


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