I first want to acknowledge that it is about 40 degree warmer here in Vegas then I am used to from Chicago. Its awesome. I go out with minimal layers, no jacket at night! I love that.
So for those who have been watching my flickr page, I have been doing some commission work that's not to exciting. That's nothing compared to the advances that have been made in the Wear Recycle project.
The name will soon be changed again, because I finally pinpointing the concept down. I was never really settled with the project being about fashion's relation with material. It was a start in developing the idea for the physical sculptures, but it the process: casting someone, the closeness, the conversation, the relationships that were being built and exploited in the process seemed more important than the fashion aspects. Tricia Blauvelt is helping me develop another name. I will announce it when it is officially changed...again.
Last time I wrote I talked about an AIGA card. Until today I had not scanned the card, but here it is:

I wanted to scan it instead of put the original file because I'm so excited about them and the paper grain proves to me their existance. So there it is.
Here are people who helped with the success of the AIGA card.
Ann Petit from Suede Studios designed the card.
I met Ann soon after moving here at a Henderson Chamber of Commerce event. She has become a great friend... but most importantly for the purposes here, she is an excellent graphic designer, creative director, and visual consultant with over 25 years experience.
She is incredible. Her and I sat for hours making this card. Mostly I was like lets do this and that, and she was like "ah how about this", and I was like...."WOW that's amazing, I would never had thought of that". Over and over again for hours.
Then I went home to do some work and she spent more hours on it.
Related but unrelated: Not to mention she came to my rescue to assist when last minute I didn't have an assistant, and she's going to help make giant recycled paper (a pain in the butt process that makes this project go around). I want to send her a large big cuddly thanks, she def doesn't have the time to help with this project, but has squished me in when she can, and when she shouldn't have but I was desperate. Its all Well appreciated.
Here might be a good place to add that she also let me experiment on her with the cast. She was the first person to let me do it to them, not even my boyfriend would let me! For good reason, I hadn't perfected my skill yet and ripped out quite a bit of her hair. She was a trooper though. I have planned for her to be the next model photographed, 1st business owner to be photographed...exciting! So if I ever get to the editing for the last shoot then you will soon after see Ann's photos. They're going to be awesome.
I am hiring Ann to reconstruct everything visual for Nicky Watts Studios, including a new website, logo, business cards, a secret marketing idea that we developed, and more. I am so excited because she is so in tuned with all that stuff that I could care less to think about. I recommend you have her redo your business's public image as well. Its worth it.
Suede Studios
Ann Petit
After the event:
The company that sponsored the AIGA fundraiser that put this competition on, was kind enough to print us 100 cards and 25 posters. This greatly helped the Wear Recycle crew to get out the word, and to start feeling like all this hard work is worth something, recognition I guess you could say. I want to formally thank Graphics West for being the first sponsor of Wear Recycle! Thank you.
Graphics West
3901 Graphic Center Dr
Las Vegas, NV 89118
(702) 798-9444
They did a great job, so lets use them when possible and send them happy and warm thankful energy.
To move on.
Last weekend Rich, our old roommate Tim from Chicago, and I drove to LA where we attended a Christmas party with a band named Malbec. Malbec is great. They have wicked hip music and are so creative when it comes to their videos and photos. I photographed them before when I went to LA with Rich.
This time the whole Malbec crew, excluding their manager let me cast them. It is huge because it they are the first people that did not have their heads casted. We casted Nick's upper back/shoulders, Mark's whole back while he was bending down touching his toes, Sam's shoulder to her elbow but she had it extended back and inverting and flexing, I don't know, it was weird, Sid's shoulders but more in the front and separate, and Pablos two forarm tops held in fists. They came out great and I'm really excited both to have alternative body parts other than heads, and 5 people. That's the most so far in one shoot. Exciting!
I just want to mention that I wore a crazy hootchie tight bright red jump suit with a candy cane print belt to their Christmas party. It was treacherous. Certainly a good laugh. I never meant to really wear that thing...
Here's a great video that Malbec just put out.
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