A new Henderson Art Association blog is really kick butt: www.hendersonartassociation.blogspot.com
A lot has been going on in the crazy life of Nicky. I have started the sculptures I am making for WoPro, my licensing for Nicky Watts Studios has been officially started, I submitted a card design for AIGA, the Recycle Paper Sculpture Series has moved forward, I am starting a branch company with another photographer, the Chamber had Ann and I present at the network breakfast, and these last two weeks have been killer.
Those of you who have been following my blog are familiar with my assignment with WoPro. I have started the first of the 15-20 sculptures. It's a bust. She'll be wearing a large fancy hat and a corset to pay tribute to the first woman to receive a patten in the US: Mary Kies. I'll talk more about this when I have photos to show and more sculptures.
I am applying to be an S-Corp under the recommendation of a lawyer who will be my corporate lawyer. Her name is Darcy and she is very nice, intelligent, and she's going to let me cast her head for Wear Recycle (well, I think I have convinced her).
As for Wear Recycle (formally Recycled Paper Sculpture Series): I got this new name because, with the recommendation of Ann, I submitted a card to the AIGA "What's Your Cause" card fundraiser. Ann (Pettit) of Suede Studios helped me design it. She's my best buddy here and a really great designer. She came up with Wear Recycle and it sounds a whole lot better than Recycle Paper Sculpture Series, so I'm using that now....thanks Ann. I'm always stealing here incredible ideas.
Well, to make a long story short about this fundraiser, the place that sponsored the event: Graphics West, is printing me up a bunch of extra copies of the cards. So unofficially they are the first sponsors of the project. I haven't told them that yet, but I'm sure they won't mind the advertising. I appreciate what they are doing so much.
Since the last time I wrote, the team and I have shot two photo shoot, three people, and I have casted three more. We are weaning into business owners and community members. I have a lot of people who have agreed to do it now. About 15 professionals! I'm really excited about that. Bre and Alice from the Henderson Chamber are doing it along with a handful of chamber members. I love getting the community involved. I'm trying really hard to link the business owners and professionals I meet with the arts in Henderson. One could say it is my goal.
Thank goodness these are done! The editing in this batch took a while, but I'm finally finished. Honestly, I didn't think I shot it very well, but I'm happy with the final outcome.
Photographer and Sculptor: Nicky Watts
Model: Brittani Rael
Hair Stylist: Valarie Zwahlen
Make Up Artist: Samantha Henrikson
Assistants: Jennifer Nicholson and Jeannette Spradley

Here's a sneak peak of what #4 looks like

Photographer and Sculptor: Nicky Watts
Model: Malika Istandarova
Hair Stylist: Valarie Zwahlen
Make Up Artist: Samantha Henrikson
Assistants: Ann Pettit
This is from the 4th shoot. I rushed getting the editing for this done because Malika is submitting it for the cover of a magazine in the country she is from. Don't ask me what country because she told me and I had never heard of it. I guess it used to be part of Russia, but I could be totally wrong on that. Geography was always a challenge to me. I'm crossing my fingers because it would be great if it were published, especially on the cover! Wear Recycle international!
I had to put this set on hold after completing this image so I could finish Brittani's photos. So they will be done soon. The shoot was also with Pharoah Najm, but you'll see him in the finished products ;).
I will tell you more about my future endeavors with Jenn and Marcelo when it is more set up and ready.
Network Breakfast!!! Ann Pettit (previously mentioned) and I had the opportunity to present our Strategic Alliance at the breakfast. This was a great opportunity for Ann and I to boast about our skills and companies and each others in front of everyone. We used the AIGA card as an example and discussed how we plan marketing strategies together. I used my recent ploy: the coca cola playing card attached to my business card. We did a great job. I am sure I got at least one client from it, and possibly another. Good work to both of us!
Well, I'm pretty tired of writing now. There are advances in HAA and the artist/live space I'm trying to build too, but I'm too tired to explain. More very soon, not sure when because I have a shoot tomorrow that will take a lot of editing, but soon.
Thanks for reading. :)
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