Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Wear Recycle in the news, Toni Thorburn, and what Wear Recycle is developing into.

I was interviewed from a reporter: Becky Bosshart with the Home News of Henderson. It was a riot. I want to thank Toni Thorburn who really put her neck out on the line to help me. There was a videographer named Evelio Contreras from the newspaper and a photographer whose card I happen to either loose or not get.....coincidence....jk. I don't think I got it and she was very nice.

Toni is the owner of Aspen Communications: IT work. It was a riot to see her engulfed in messy art materials, surprised by the process, and completely confused on why she agreed to do it in the first place other than just to help me. It was a riot.

Looking back it also allowed me to understand the project and why it is moving into a totally different direction than I originally thought with the fashion idea. Toni identified it perfectly when she told Evelio that she wasn't attached to the cast. That she was only doing it to help me.

Wear Recycle is about the relationship and curiosity that brings people together. While the actual casting process is taking place, a spark, closeness and connection happens. Its not about fashion, its about art, but more in the end. Its really about community and risk. About connection and collaboration. Its about what all the contributors/models/artists bring to it. This is an art project, but its as much of an outreach to people as it is about art. The process is art, the drive is art, but the experience is human. That's why the name will be changing. Wear Recycle doesn't define its purpose, it only defines its beginning. Toni was what developed this understanding; this idea that the people who I'm casting don't necessarily know what the point is, but something told them to become involved.....often me....but really I only ask and the model chooses to be intrigued or not. Toni's sarcasm and wonderful bluntness allowed for me to thoroughly know where to go and what she means in the project.

The model doesn't understand the relationship between the paper and these relationships that are made. They're not suppose to because they are not working with it. The models are left out of the fragility and development of the sculpture. In both processes I'm building something that starts, continues, and ends fragile and in the end I will have to communicate this to the models, and the viewers.

Toni's company deals with business technology solutions. Just like Toni didn't hide her lack of connection and understanding in art, I will be honest, I really have no idea what IT people do other than its a complicate job.

I know some of her services are:

protective back ups
wireless networking
Web hosting

really you should give her a call to find out more information about how to utilize her services. Then you get to experience her very wonderful personality...always a plus when hiring someone for a service or product. The company is local too!

Aspen Communications
Toni Thorburn

Lets show Toni some support....I know that most of us businesses can utilize her services. I just remembered that she had mentioned something about a new law that fines businesses if they send any credit card info over the web without correct encoding. She can prevent this fine from happening!

To get on with the newspaper. It will be published in the Home News newspaper the first week of Jan...that's the hope, and they will try to plan it so that the video interview will also be online at the same time.

Becky found me through the Henderson Art Association blog


This is a new thing that HAA is doing to help promote artistic community here in the Las Vegas area. Go check it out, if you have anything to share speak up.

Did I forget to mention that Becky, the reporter is going to let me cast her. The list of people who want to do it has grown a lot. There are now 23 people who still need to get casted, 10 sculptures that need to be built or finished, and 5 people who have been photographed. YEAH.

Some bad news is that the 8x10 darkroom I was using closed down so I'm having problems developing the film now. I am two shoots backed up. It will all come together, but if anyone knows any Vegas darkroom available, please let me know.

Thanks for reading :) I'll publish the newspaper article when its available. Hopefully the video too.


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