Here is the image I have finished in a crazy style from the Jenn Martin shoot. I wanted to make it creepy since the idea of blocking oneself from being able to talk is a morbid, but consistently real idea. She looks bird like, intense. What do you think of the style?

Makeup Artist/Light Hair: Zoya Pride
Assistant: Jenn Nicholson
So I went home to help my mom move from the cellar back up into the normal part of her house and to attend a Halloween Wedding of my great friend Natalie.
The wedding was the most fun and interesting wedding I have ever attended. Natalie was the most beautiful bride I have ever seen.
For my mom's house, I scraped a lot wall paper and lead paint. I wore a whole body suit, gloves to my elbows, a face mask, and goggles. I felt mighty protected. I ended up wearing this wonderful outfit as my Halloween costume, it worked well.
I also brought my camera gear for my sister so I could take photo of her family. I shot my nephew and two new nieces. The baby is blood and the oldest is married in, but hell, she's my niece too no matter what anyone else wants to say about it. I guess I have one more, but since I haven't spent any time with her yet its hard to consider her my niece too. I have not finished the other photos yet, only Aaron's. Well family stuff, not what you're here for, but you have got to see these photos of my nephew. If he is not a performer I don't know who is.

That's the normal one, proper.

Yup, this was his idea to put his hat like that.

Here's his shocked look
And this next one is my favorite:

His gangster look.
Now it is very clear to me that this kid has a future in media mainstream. For 10 years old to have his awareness of emotion behind the camera! Oh how I love this kid. Look at how awesome his eyes are. I'm not sure if its just a strange reflections that was going on, but he has an orange spot in his right (our left) eye and the other one is a much stronger blue. I did saturate them, but I didn't change any colors. Crazy awesome. Our Aunt Lisa has a spot in one of her eyes too. Tarcy (my sister, his mom) said he doesn't, so maybe its just my photos, but it looks like he does too. I love it.
Recycled Paper Sculpture Series Update
I have a shoot tomorrow and next Wednesday I have another one but that one will be the first one that I shoot two models at one time. I'm not sure how it will go, but we'll see.
I have also halted on casting models and have now moved into performers, business owners, community members, and families. Mainly what I call normal people. I have casted my friend Ann, actually, she was my test cast, but I will hopefully be shooting her soon. I have received confirmations from a few Henderson Chamber of Commerce members too. I am very excited about this transition into "normal people". I am hoping to cast Rich soon and maybe he will cast and shoot me too. I want to cast everyone I know. I'm not sure if that's possible, but I want to try. As soon as I buy the big box of plaster from online, I think I will have a huge casting day where I invite people over all day to cast. I love that idea!
If you are interested in being casted and can come to me just let me know. I would love to expand it internationally, but since I'm a broke artist it could only be if you come to me, or get me to you. Really I like the second option more :) But then you would still have to get to Vegas because my hair and makeup artists who are signed for the whole project are here in Vegas. Of course we could all travel to other places, I'm sure they wouldn't have any objections ;).
Another update on this project is that I made a card for AIGA for a fundraiser they have going on. The fundraiser is Name Your Cause. Of course I was fusing fashion with recycling. Ann Petit, my very good friend here in Vegas, who is an exceptional graphic designer helped me design it. The card came out great and I am happy to announce that many participants in the project will be attending the reception on Thursday. I am very excited that even a couple of the models who have not been shot yet are going to the reception to support the project. I love that; it makes me feel like the models feel good about participating in the series. Ann did a really great job.
There's a lot of other really exciting stuff that's going on and to make it simple I am going to copy and paste what I wrote for Stefani for WoPro. This is pretty advertising proper, but I just wrote it yesterday...along with the first proposal to the Artist/Living spaces that I mention in here.
As an active member of the contemporary art world, Nicky Watts has organized seventeen art exhibitions and has been a featured artist in 18 exhibitions nationally and internationally including two solo exhibitions. Her art medium/type ranges from fashion, painting, performance, photography, sculpture, and video. Aside from her personal art experience, Nicky Watts has worked as a free-lance photographer for the past five years.
Currently, Watts is involved in an array of activities including starting her own business, developing a large-scale art exhibition, volunteering in her community, and planning art living spaces in a developing Henderson neighborhood.
Watts combines her event planning, contemporary art skill, and experience with photography to Construct the Perfect Image to Sell Your Product under the name Nicky Watts Studios. She works with companies to create cutting edge images for advertising as well as photographs models and talent to create creative and diverse portfolios. Whether the product is a person, object, or idea, when one chooses Nicky Watts Studios it is guaranteed quality and satisfaction.
“An artist or business owner is only as strong as the community that surrounds her.” Therefore Watts believes being an active volunteer in her community is vital for growth, success, and satisfaction.
“I am asking the community business owners, families, and politicians to contribute their time to show their support for Mother Earth.” Watts is in the middle of creating a large conceptual art exhibit using junk paper to make photographs of the “Recycled Paper Sculpture Series”. She has been photographing Las Vegas models and is just beginning to cast (the first process to complete the sculptures) performers, business owners, and community members. She will then move on to prominent figures in the community, politicians, and celebrities. Watts is hoping to gain participation from a few full casts of Las Vegas shows such as one of the Cirque du Soleil or Phantom of the Opera.
Watts is an ambassador to the Henderson Chamber of Commerce where she welcomes new businesses to the Chamber community. This relationship has been a strong developing tool for her and she feels grateful to be able to give back encouraging other members to realize and utilize potential for success in the business world through the Chamber.
Recently, Watts has become the first Public Relations person for the Henderson Art Association in over three years. The Association, also know as HAA, is a driving force for artists in the Henderson area. It is responsible for the Third Thursday event that takes place in the Water Street District of Henderson and is a large part of a development effort to make the Water Street District a thriving arts district in Henderson.
For WoPro, Watts is developing a large-scale sculpture series based off important women in our history and present time to create a photo montage timeline that WoPro will use for advertising memorabilia. Watts is a founding member of the organization which celebrates women’s achievements and strengths. Her art making and dedication is a large point of interest within WoPro.
Using the relationships she has made in the Chamber of Commerce, Henderson Art Association, WoPro, and her previous experiences of art organizing, education, managing artists, and event planning, Watts is planning to build artist live/work spaces in the Water Street District. If achieved, these living spaces will be a grounding achievement in the development of the Water Street District by bringing artists into the community. It will be a core-working environment for artist offering photography, 2d, and sculpture studio space as well as a music production room and a wood/metals workshop. It will give the neighboring restaurants and cafés a reason to stay open late, as well as put Henderson on the map as a leading art environment.
I wrote this for the front page to the WoPro website. I am honored that Stefani is putting me on there. She's great. I will talk about her when the work I am doing for WoPro has developed a little more than it has right now. Its a great organization with a great president. If you see any typos in the bio, let me know. I'm not a very good editor of my own stuff.
Well, so much is going on I could keep talking, but then I wouldn't get much done. There's one more Jenn Martin image coming but I need a higher resolution Waterford Wedgewood logo to put on it before it gets sent out.
Thanks for reading.
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