Sunday, September 21, 2008

New Movements

I'm really excited. My 8x10 camera is now set up in the living room and ready to be tested to make sure it works. I don't see any problems with it, other than a small chip around the edge of the lens. This sucks, but its not the end of the world either. I even have the film loaded so by the end of the day, it will be tested. Hopefully I will know this tomorrow or Tuesday.

I have been moving forward on my womens' body project. I will be meeting with some women in the next couple of weeks who are very interested in participating.

Now I have the group of former show girls
a belly dancer
a model
and an freelance escort

who are interested or have agreed to participate already. This is so exciting. I'm going to budget in some time next week to paint. With this many girls interested, all I need is to move forward with them and finish two paintings and I will be able to apply for some grants. Oh...its getting closer. I can feel it.

And.... I have a photo shoot this week for the recycled paper sculpture portraits. I will be testing on Ann tonight, casting the model on Monday, and we will shooting on Wednesday. Hair and makeup are already covered. I'm hoping to shoot both digital and with the 8x10 camera. How exciting!

Well, this isn't it, I have set up a separate Nicky Watts Studios myspace, Henderson Art Association email, a spam email, I found that an email I was using for flickr had been hacked and the individual had a myspace under it. I canceled that. I guess this is good advances in my internet PR. I'm pretty happy with it all because it all takes time to do. Well, so long. I'm hoping to video tape Monday and Wednesday so everyone can see the process.

And...lastly....WoPRo (the women's Networking Community that I'm really excited about) seems to be moving along really good. If all works out I will be renting some loft space with this organization. It will be shared space of 2000 sqft or more depending if the leads that exist now go through. Stefani, the president of the organization, is waiting to get the loft to see if contracts close. If they do the space will be bigger. Everything will be on wheels so it will be easy to shift things around depending on need. This will allow me to make huge sets, and that's what she wants me to do. She wants it to be based around the arts and I am the artist involved. It will be shared with 25-? professional women. I'm so very excited for this to happen. I feel good about it inside. I'm crossing my fingers, so you should all cross yours for me too. Well, I'll keep you updated.


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