Monday, February 23, 2009

Brittany Peltier's Interior Design Portfolio

What a relief!

So here's some background. Brittany Peltier is an interior design student at the International School of Interior Design here in the Vegas area. This girl is a hard worker. When she brought over her projects, she had piles of all really creative boards that you could tell she slaved over the details on. They're was three that werem't on board, they were on plexiglass, and a curtain designed into a board. Nothing was ordinary, and she knew exactly what she wanted to fix, change, develop, clean, and reconstruct.

Once editing started it was very clear that she expected top notch quality. Its nice to have a client who is willing to point out the awkward looking things that might of happened in editing, but also in their picture or art work. She piled on ideas for different ways she thought each photo would look its best.

Brittany and I have been using flickr to communicate needed changes in the editing, deciding what edits are more fitting, and picking and developing the layouts to use for the actual portfolio pieces. It was an asset last night while we both stayed up until 5am discussing changes in layouts.

Over all, we both did a great job. She was a doll to work with, and her work was really incredible. So here it is. Don't be fooled, this is prob about 70hrs worth of work between photographing the work, editing the photos and building the portfolio (not including the many many hours she put into it all).

Interior Designer: Brittany Peltier's portfolio Interior Designer: Brittany Peltier's portfolio Interior Designer: Brittany Peltier's portfolio Interior Designer: Brittany Peltier's portfolio Interior Designer: Brittany Peltier's portfolio Interior Designer: Brittany Peltier's portfolio Interior Designer: Brittany Peltier's portfolio Interior Designer: Brittany Peltier's portfolio Interior Designer: Brittany Peltier's portfolio Interior Designer: Brittany Peltier's portfolio Interior Designer: Brittany Peltier's portfolio Interior Designer: Brittany Peltier's portfolio Interior Designer: Brittany Peltier's portfolio Interior Designer: Brittany Peltier's portfolio Interior Designer: Brittany Peltier's portfolio Interior Designer: Brittany Peltier's portfolio Interior Designer: Brittany Peltier's portfolio Interior Designer: Brittany Peltier's portfolio Interior Designer: Brittany Peltier's portfolio

Wow. Isn't this girl good? So if you need some interior design let me know and I'll pass along the info. She graduates this year.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Shoot #3 with Birttani Rael revised

Since the ball was rolling I figured I 'd let it roll:

When I orginally edited these photos I hated them. They looked so fake. I was very depressed about them. So I have reedited. They're still not the best in the series, but at least they don't look completely fake anymore.

Brittani Rael: Wear Recycle re-edited Brittani Rael: Wear Recycle re-edited Brittani Rael: Wear Recycle re-edited

Brittani Rael: Wear Recycle re-edited

Now I'm exhausted and am going to bed. Good night.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Wear Recycle shoot #4

So here they are, finally.

Much has happened since we shot these. I was out of town for 3 weeks (I was able to cast 10 casts while away) and I have had non stop editing for paying jobs every time my feet have been on the ground (this is very good).

Don't get me wrong, I have Brittany Peltier's portfolio to design and a few photos to make last minute adjustments on, but after about 5 days...or more now...of nonstop editing of interior decorating graphs, I thought it was appropiate to take a day off.

Today I focused on Wear Recycle. I rearranged my studio so that I can work on both sides of one of the work tables allowing me to have 8 casts set up to be built at once! This is great since I can only work on one at a time.

During 20 minute break increments the last few days, I have been jumping over to the building table to work on the casts. As of right now, one of them is finished, one of them might be but I need to leave it over night to dry before confirming that, another one is close but not there yet, and three more have had either the first or second layers added to them.

Today I worked my butt off editing these photos. They are not perfect, but they are where they are going to be for now. If anyone hasn't noticed yet, I am a person that likes to revise my photos. I'm like that with everything for the most part. The third shoot of Wear Recycle is in desperate need of a reedit. I did an awful job on Brittany's skin.

Well, here are the new ones.

Pharoah: Wear Recycle Pharoah: Wear Recycle Malikasha and Pharoah: Wear Recycle Malikasha: Wear Recycle Malikasha: Wear Recycle

Pharoah's grid: Wear Recycle

Malika's grid: Wear Recycle

Here's the team:

Nicky Watts
Malika Iskandarova
Pharoah Najm
Make Up Artist:
Samantha Henrikson
Hair Stylist:
Valarie Zwahlen
Ann Pettit

Hurray Hurray.. Moving forward one step at a time!

I also want to thank Ann Pettit of Suede Studios who was kind enough to help me make some paper a couple weeks ago. Yesterday, I brought the paper up from the garage where it was drying and it looks great. Its very thick and has spectacular texture.

I almost forgot to mention I was able to get tickets to Le Femme at the MGM for Saturday night. I was giving 4 of them..One for me, Rich, VAL, and SAM! Finally they get a little something for all there efforts. They are great and deserve every minute of it.

Monday, February 16, 2009

HAA and Wear Recycle

This will be short because I have a whole lot of work to do.....but....

I am the new vice president to the HAA! YEAH. We should be doing some fun stuff in the near future.

I have been working on Wear Recycle sculptures during breaks from editing (I can only usually work on one for no more than 20 minutes before its too fragile to continue) and I am just about finished with three. This is exciting because the development of Wear Recycle has been fast, but to actually show progress has not. YEAH again!

I can't move on with developing Brittany Peltier's portfolio until I get a return email, so I am going to work on some edits from our last shoot right now. Its about time.

Thanks for following.